Common Geographic Areas web services: Area centroid

Given the unique identifier for a geographic area as specified in the Common Geographic Areas thesaurusn, return the longitude and latitude of the centroid of the area, and a practical zoom level appropriate for use in map interfaces employing the web mercator coordinate system.

Service URL
Input parameters
code Unique identifier of a common geographic area as specified in the Common Geographic Areas thesaurus.
callback This parameter is used by Javascript libraries to request information in JSONP format.

A JSON object is returned. Properties of the object are as follows:

x Geographic longitude of the centroid of the area, in decimal degrees WGS84, west longitudes negative.
y Geographic latitude of the centroid of the area, in decimal degrees WGS84, south latitudes negative.
z Zoom level expressed as an integer between 2 and 15. An approximate value intended to enable web map interfaces to provide appropriate focus for the geographic area.
