Thesaurus term web services

Several web services provide information from the USGS Thesaurus and related controlled vocabularies in JSONP format. These services enable web pages to obtain detailed information about thesaurus terms for use in dynamic web interfaces. An example web page making use of these services is at

Services available

Thesaurus Info
Provides a list of thesauri available through these services, with detailed information about each thesaurus.
Term Search
Supports the jQuery autocomplete function, returning an array of objects describing thesaurus terms that begin with, end with, or contain the given text. The match is not case sensitive.
Term Details
Provides detailed information about a given thesaurus term, which may be specified by its unique identifier or by the text of its descriptor. If a text is given as input and the text matches a USE-WITH term, the result will be an array describing the two descriptors to which the USE-WITH term applies.
Term Like
Given a short text, find the thesaurus terms that begin with, end with, or contain that text.

Named Instances
Provides information about specific named things (for example events, geographic features, products) that would not be included in the thesaurus because they are not a type of thing. Each named thing is associated with one or more descriptors from any of the thesauri that we use, and a qualifying term is used to categorize the relationship.
Search Pattern
Provides a text search pattern for a given thesaurus term.

Thesaurus info

Provides a list of thesauri available through these services, with detailed information about each thesaurus.

Service URL
thcode Thesaurus identifier (numeric). Optional; if neither this nor a thesaurus name is specified, information about all thesauri are reported.
thname Thesaurus name. The name is matched, without case sensitivity, with the preferred or alternative names of thesauri known to the service database. Optional; if neither this nor a thesaurus identifier code is specified, information about all thesauri are reported.
Output An object containing information about the thesaurus, if thcode was specified, otherwise an array of such objects, one per thesaurus.
thcodeThesaurus identifier
nameName of the thesaurus
scopeA short statement indicating the type of information the thesaurus is intended to express, or expected uses of the thesaurus
creatorOrganization or person responsible for creating the thesaurus
rightsCopyright statement, if any, or other text indicating legal restrictions on access or use
editionThesaurus edition or version number
dateDate thesaurus was last modified
codetypeType of term identifiers (alpha indicates characters, number indicates numbers)
prefixShort identifier for this thesaurus for use in RDF
uriComplete identifier for this thesaurus to be used in RDF
tblnameDatabase table containing preferred terms and scope notes
nonprefDatabase table containing non-preferred terms
reltermDatabase table containing non-hierarchical term relationships
root_codeUnique identifier of the root node of the thesaurus
category Array of term objects specifying the term or terms, each element containing: 
code Unique identifier for this term
name Descriptor text for this term
parent Unique identifier of the parent of this term
scope Scope note for the term
altlabel Alternative names for this thesaurus; these may match texts given in a CSDGM geospatial metadata field like *_Keyword_Thesaurus
contact Email address of the point of contact for this thesaurus; if only a name is given, assume


(line breaks and extra spaces added here for clarity)

Term search

Supports the jQuery autocomplete function, returning an array of objects describing thesaurus terms that begin with, end with, or contain the given text. The match is not case sensitive.

Service URL
thcode Thesaurus identifier; if not specified, the USGS Thesaurus will be used. If specified as "any", the search will be carried out on all available thesauri.
term Fragment of text to match candidate terms
callback Name of a function in which to wrap the results, to support JSONP
rel Relationship used to match the given term fragment to the thesaurus terms. All comparisons ignore letter case.
word (default) Text matches the beginning of any word in the thesaurus term
begins Text matches the beginning of a thesaurus term
contains Text occurs anywhere in a thesaurus term
ends Text matches the end of a thesaurus term
exact Text matches the thesaurus term exactly
uf Set to zero to exclude non-preferred terms from the results
Output An array of objects, each containing the following members:
thcode Unique identifier for the thesaurus (same as input thcode value)
code Unique identifier for a term within the thesaurus
label Text matching the input string, may be the non-preferred term
value Descriptor text of the matched thesaurus term

Special cases

  1. If no term is given, the service returns an empty array:
  2. If a percent sign is specified as the term, the service returns all of the terms in the given thesaurus alphabetically:


(line breaks and extra spaces added here for clarity)

Term details

Provides detailed information about a given thesaurus term, which may be specified by its unique identifier or by the text of its descriptor. If a text is given as input and the text matches a USE-WITH term, the result will be an array describing the two descriptors to which the USE-WITH term applies.

Service URL
thcode Thesaurus identifier; if not specified, the USGS Thesaurus will be used
code Unique identifier of the descriptor
text Text of the descriptor, if descriptors are distinct in the specified thesaurus
callback Name of a function in which to wrap the results, to support JSONP
Output A single object or an array of two objects containing the following members:
thcode Thesaurus identifier
term Single term object specifying the term, as follows:
code Unique identifier for this term
name Descriptor text for this term
parent Unique identifier of the parent of this term
scope Scope note for the term
uf Array of objects specifying USE-FOR and USE-WITH relationships:
name Text of the non-preferred term
usewith false for a simple non-preferred term, or a term object if the text is to be used for both the given descriptor and another descriptor together
bt Array of term objects specifying the broader terms, each the parent of the previous entry
nt Array of term objects specifying the narrower terms
rt Array of term objects specifying the related terms

Special cases

  1. If no parameters are given, the service returns an array of objects describing the thesauri that are available in the current database instance:
  2. If a valid thesaurus code is given but neither a term code nor a descriptor is given, the root node of the thesaurus will be returned:
  3. If a text given as input matches a USE-WITH term, an array of descriptors will be returned, each as described for a single term, above.
  4. If a pair of terms is given as input with " AND " between them, the two terms are matched separately and an array of descriptors will be returned, each as described for a single term, above.


Term Like

Search a thesaurus to find terms that begin with, end with, or contain a text that you supply. Returns JSON or JSONP.

Service URL
thcode Thesaurus identifier; if not specified, the USGS Thesaurus will be used. If specified as "any", the search will be carried out on all available thesauri.
text Fragment of text to match thesaurus terms
callback Name of a function in which to wrap the results, to support JSONP
Output A single object containing the following members:
word The text given to search for.
exact Preferred term that matches the text.
similar Preferred terms that contain the text.
usefor Non-preferred term relationships involving the text, including USE-WITH relationships.


Named instances

Provides information about specific named things (for example events, geographic features, products) that would not be included in the thesaurus because they are not a type of thing. Each named thing is associated with one or more descriptors from any of the thesauri that we use, and a qualifying term is used to categorize the relationship.

Service URL
name Name of the thing for which related terms are requested; this will be matched without regard for letter case to the named instances or their non-preferred variants
callback Name of a function in which to wrap the results, to support JSONP
Output A single object containing the following members:
name The name of the thing requested, as it appears in the database
scope A short descriptive text intended to indicate sufficient detail that the named thing can be understood properly
relatedTerm Array of objects indicating thesaurus descriptors that might help to provide additional information about the named thing:
relation A short category term indicating the relationship the term has to the named thing
descriptor A complete term descriptor, indicating the thcode identifier of the thesaurus in which the descriptor is found, with all of its related terms, using the data structure returned by the term details service (above)

Special cases

  1. If no parameters are given, the service returns an array of named things for which we have related terms.


Search pattern

Provides a text search pattern for a given thesaurus term.

Service URL
text Descriptor text, if code is not given. Thesauri will be searched using this text, and the information returned will reflect that associated with the descriptor matched, if the given text matches a non-preferred term.
thcode Thesaurus identifier (numeric)
code Unique identifier of the descriptor within the given thesaurus
thalso Thesaurus identifier (numeric) for the term identified using also
also Unique identifier of a second descriptor within the thesaurus identified using thalso, if that is specified, or thcode if thalso is not specified
Output An object containing information about the descriptor and texts that may be used as the pattern for searching.
thcode Thesaurus identifier
term Array of term objects specifying the term or terms, each element containing:
code Unique identifier for this term
name Descriptor text for this term
parent Unique identifier of the parent of this term
scope Scope note for the term
customized A customized search pattern developed by the USGS Web Re-Engineering Team staff, if a custom search pattern has been developed for this term.
default A search pattern composed from the descriptor text, the non-preferred terms, all of the narrower terms, and their non-preferred terms.


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