Other Sources of Information
U.S. Bureau of Mines Publications
Gemstones ch. of Minerals Yearbook
Gemstones ch. of Mineral Commodity Summaries
Gemstones ch. of Mineral Facts and Problems, 1985.
Mineral Industry Surveys "An Overview of Gemstone Production In the United States."
Mineral Industry Surveys "Directory of Principal U.S. Gemstone Producers in 1993."
Other Publications
Color Encyclopedia of Gemstones, by Joel Arem.
Colored Stone Magazine.
Gem & Gemology.
Gemstones of North America, Vol. I & II, by John Sinkankas.
Jewelers' Circular-Keystone.
Jewelry News Asia.
Lapidary Journal.
Modern Jeweler.
National Jeweler.
Links of Interest
Contact: Donald W. Olson (dolson@usgs.gov)